Free Text-To-Speech and Text-to-MP3 for Welsh English

Easily convert your Welsh English text into professional speech for free. Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos and increasing the accessibility of your website. Our voices pronounce your texts in their own language using a specific accent. Plus, these texts can be downloaded as MP3. In some languages, multiple speakers are available.

Input limit: 3,000 characters / Don't forget to turn on your speakers :-)

Hint: If you finish a sentence, leave a space after the dot before the next one starts for better pronunciation.

Here are some features to use while generating speech:

Add a break

Mary had a little lamb <break time="1s"/> Whose fleece was white as snow.

Emphasizing words

I already told you I <emphasis level="strong">really like </emphasis> that person.


For dramatic purposes, you might wish to <prosody rate="slow">slow down the speaking rate of your text.</prosody>
Or if you are in a hurry <prosody rate="fast">you may want to speed it up a bit.</prosody>


Do you like sythesized speech <prosody pitch="high">with a pitch that is higher than normal?</prosody>
Or do you prefer your speech <prosody pitch="-20%">with a somewhat lower pitch?</prosody>


<amazon:effect name="whispered">If you make any noise, </amazon:effect> she said, <amazon:effect name="whispered">they will hear us.</amazon:effect>


It is possible to switch between speakers within the text. Just use the following format:
[speaker:Brian] Hello Emma
[speaker:Emma] Hey Brian
[speaker:Brian] How are you doing?
[speaker:Emma] I am fine. May i invite you to a cup of tea?

Please note: Remove any diacritical signs from the speakers names when using this, Léa = Lea, Penélope = Penelope

Need more effects or customization? Please refer to the Amazon SSML Tags for Amazon Polly

Facts about the Welsh English language:

Welsh English, which emerged following the Anglo-Saxon settlement, bears distinct differences from Standard English due to the influential substratum of the Welsh language. This variant of English, like Standard English, offers its own unique set of complexities and simplicities that can confound or facilitate language acquisition, depending on the learner's perspective.

On one hand, learners of Welsh English may find solace in the absence of grammatical gender, along with the lack of agreement between adjectives and nouns – a trait shared with the wider English language. Additionally, there is no need to wrestle with complex case endings, which can streamline the learning process significantly.

On the other hand, Welsh English is peppered with its own phonetic eccentricities and lexicon, directly influenced by the Welsh language. Homophones, such as "here" and "hear," or "see" and "sea," present the same challenges found across English dialects. Vocabulary variations, such as the use of 'cwtch' for a cuddle or safe place, add a layer of regional flavor that requires contextual mastery.

Furthermore, certain Welsh words are integrated into Welsh English, presenting a double challenge: not only must one learn the idiosyncrasies of English pronunciation and spelling, but also the nuances of Welsh-derived terms. Moreover, the intonation and rhythm of Welsh English are distinct, often carrying the melodic influence of the Welsh language. For example, the use of "isn't it?" as a tag question in various contexts is a hallmark of the Welsh influence on English.

Despite these challenges, Welsh English is far from being an insurmountable language to learn. Immersion through conversation is a potent tool for grasping the dialect’s peculiarities. Engaging with a native speaker who is willing to converse and provide feedback can dramatically accelerate the learning curve, fostering an intuitive understanding of sentence structures and colloquialisms. Through consistent practice and exposure, anyone can become proficient in Welsh English, eventually navigating its unique sounds and expressions with the ease of a native speaker.

Supported voice languages:

Australian English
Brazilian Portuguese
British English
Canadian French
Castilian Spanish
Chinese Mandarin
Indian English
Mexican Spanish
US English
US Spanish
Welsh English

Current Limit: ~375 words or 3,000 characters / day | Powered by AWS Polly

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